Monday, November 06, 2006

Yesterday, leaving church, the windshield of our car had been adorned with a couple of political flyers. I took them off as Jack climbed inside.

"Daddy," he inquired. "Why does our car have tickets on it today?"

"Oh, those aren't tickets, those are political flyers, because there's an election in two days."

"What's an election?"

Realizing this would take more than a simple answer, I started to explain to him how in America people get to choose their leaders by voting. Backing up further still, I started to explain that the leader of Wisconsin, for instance, is called the "governor," and that we would be choosing who our governor would be by ...

"But Daddy," Jack interrupted, "God is the king of EVERYTHING!"

Well put, my boy. Well put.

(photo by Elizabeth)


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